Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A different kind of busy

It's almost Turkey day. Today feels quite strange. It's a day that I would normally be working. We try to get all the patients done the day before a holiday. That way whoever is on call, only has to worry about emergencies and not routine patients. Typically, this makes for a very long day with a lot of patients who need treatments.

Instead, I am home making banana breads, monkey breads, oatmeal raspberry oatmeal bars, pumpkin bread, and stuffing. If I have time I may make some pretzel turtles. My dad loves those. Plus, I have to shop for a couple of birthday gifts for my nieces and nephews who will be here from out of state.

So it is a different kind of busy for me today. It definitely feels strange. My thoughts often go to the hospital and wonder if they are getting slammed or having a good day. I know they are severely understaffed. I guess long time habits are hard to break overnight.

But I am grateful not to be on call and to be home with my family, that is for sure!!

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