Saturday, February 28, 2009

God in all things, big and small

Do you ever have those days where you just are tired, weary, just lacking that spark to life? That was how I woke up this morning. Just blah. But there was too much to do today that would allow me to continue in my blahdom (ok I know that is not a word, I just couldn't find another word). So I got out of bed and went to the gym. On my way there I just gave the day to the Lord. "Ok, Lord. Today is your day. However you want this day to go, I will follow you." That can be a scary prayer. My plans don't always match what God wants. Even though I know Gods plans are best for me, I tend to like my plans.

So off to the gym I go. Oh, here is a progress note (I said I would only mention the good ones, LOL) I weighed myself and have lost 6 pounds in the last 3 weeks. We (hubby and I) have worked out 4-5 days every week. I am up to working out for an hour, 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes on the eliptical. I end up leaving exhausted but I am doing it. Anyways that is the update.

So I go to the gym and do my workout and see a dear friend while I am there. She and I chat a little while I am walking on the treadmill. What an encouragement she was to me.

After that I go home, shower and head down the road to pick oldest son up from spending the night at a friends, birthday shop, grocery shop, go to the pet store (shavings for the rabbit), book store and fill the truck up with gas. Poor oldest son was so tired from his sleepover. He was a trooper with a good attitude (we don't always have that). We got so much accomplished in such a little amount of time. I felt so productive. A far cry from how I felt this morning. Praise God! God is so good all the time. Just giving my day over to the Lord, and seeing how my day went (even just a half day) is just the reminder I need to give all things, even my blahness, over to the Lord. The Lord, and His plan for me is so much more than I ever imagine. Even in the mundaneness of life, the little things, the everyday things. That is an easy place for me to not include my Lord, the simple things. It's when things are hard, or decisions need to be made, or great things happen that are the easy times for me to include and rely on God.

I want to see God in all things big and small. I need to open my eyes and my heart up to see God every day in all things.

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