Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas pics and a story about widget

Wow! It has been a while again.
Today I have was itching to use my new kitchen aid mixer that I just had to make a batch of cookies. I decided to make oatmeal raisin. They are my hubby favorite, and with the oats you can somewhat justify them as healthy. Ok that may be a stretch but it is worth a try

Well here is the beauty!!! I have had so much fun using it. I was able to whip up a ton of eggs and make everyone individual omlets in no time. It felt so effortless. I can mix and walk away while it is still mixing, which makes it take a lot less time to do anything that requires mixing. I just love it. I have wanted one for a little while now. My hubby said he had the hardest time giving me an appliance for Christmas. He is such the romantic. He did get me some jewlery, earrings and a necklace, plus some other fun things I like ( weather station, my favorite candy etc.)
Here are some other pics from our Christmas this year.

Babygirl being silly at Great MomMom's house Christmas Eve

Youngest son got exactly what he wanted from KK, color explosion!

Oldest son and KK. They were in some deep discussion about books they have read.

Widget screaming "This is the best christmas ever!!" This coming from a boy who had his wallet stolen 2 weeks before christmas. The wallet had $130 in it. He had been saving for a while to get a new gameboy ds and Christmas shop with his OWN money, not mom and dad's. After the wallet was stolen, and a 1/2 day of crying, he surrendered and gave the whole situation to God. Widget began telling people "I guess with this bad economy (so cute coming from an 11 year old), whoever stole my wallet needed it more than me." He started praying for the person who stole his wallet. The coolest thing happened next, over the next week, God replaced all his money. It is quite the story. He still prays almost every night for that person. Now it did take a day for him to get this perspective. But praise God for the work He is doing in my son's life. The whole story still brings tears to my eyes. Widget got a new gameboy ds and wallet christmas morning, hence the arms straight up in the air.

One last picture of Christmas morning.

The kids upstairs in the rec. room where Santa came. Santa keeps all the mess upstairs, so when people stop by the mess is hidden. Love it!!! Ok one more pic of the dog and the mess.

Here's widget giving Coco the toy he bought her, and the mess in the background. LOL.

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